When preparing for a trade show, one of the critical decisions you’ll face is whether to design and print your displays yourself or to enlist the services of a professional print company. Both options come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages, from cost implications to the impact on your brand’s presentation. Choosing the right path depends on a variety of factors including your budget, design skills, and the importance of the trade show to your marketing strategy.

DIY Trade Show Display Design

Opting to design your trade show displays in-house gives you direct control over the creative process. You can tailor every aspect of your display to match your vision and brand identity. However, taking the DIY route is not without its challenges.

DIY Trade Show Display Design Pros

  • Lower Cost – Generally, designing your displays in-house can be less expensive than hiring a professional design service.
  • No Waiting or Back & Forth – You have immediate control over the timeline and aren’t waiting on anyone else’s schedule.
  • Get it Exactly How You Want – You have the ultimate say in the final product, allowing you to realize your vision without compromise.

DIY Trade Show Display Design Cons

  • The Design Could Look Amateurish – Without professional design experience, there’s a risk your display might not meet industry standards.
  • You May Not Actually Finish It – Without the discipline and time management skills of a professional, projects can overrun or remain incomplete.
  • Things May Be Forgotten – Professionals know from experience what works best for trade show displays. Without this knowledge, you might overlook important elements.

Print Company Designed Trade Show Displays

Having a print company design your trade show displays can relieve a lot of the stress and uncertainty that comes with the DIY approach. Professionals bring a wealth of experience and creativity to your project, ensuring your display stands out in a crowded trade show. But, this service comes at a price and isn’t without potential drawbacks.

Pros of Having an Agency Design Your Trade Show Displays

  • Professional Look & Quality – A print company ensures your trade show display is polished and professional, making a positive impression on attendees.
  • Streamlined Process – Print companies have efficient processes in place, reducing the time and effort you need to invest.
  • Highly Creative Thinkers – Professionals bring a level of creativity and innovation that can elevate your display beyond the standard fare.

Cons of Having an Agency Design Your Trade Show Displays

  • Higher Costs – Professional design services are an investment, often significantly more expensive than DIY options.
  • Longer Turnaround Times – Working with a print company can take longer due to the back and forth communication and revisions.
  • They May Not “Get You” – There’s always a risk that an external designer might not fully capture the essence of your brand or message as you envision it.

Choosing between DIY and hiring a print company for your trade show displays boils down to a balance of cost, control, and professional presentation. DIY offers a more hands-on approach and potentially lower costs, but risks quality and completion. Professional print companies bring expertise and polish but at a higher cost and potential for misalignment with your vision.

Ultimately, the decision should align with your marketing goals, resources, and how critical the trade show is to your business strategy. Ensuring your brand is presented in the best light possible will always be the desired outcome, regardless of the path you choose.

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Phone: (413) 442-4166