Imagine No More Press Checks.
Winning the moment with your print materials isn’t always just about what you print. Sometimes it’s about how fast and easily you get the job done. As we all know, speed in today’s hypercompetitive world can be a critical competitive advantage. That’s why we offer customers whose businesses merit it access to KODAK’s INSITE Prepress Portal.
What’s the KODAK INSITE Prepress Portal?
Glad you asked. Put simply, it’s a combination of sophisticated hardware and software that we install in your offices. Your designers and brand managers can use the system to manage the prepress process remotely – checking color and proofing content and managing your files in real-time collaboration with us. No leaving the office. And all changes and reviews are tracked for full job visibility. Here’s some of its key features:
- Secure login with full control over permissions and who can view what files
- 24/7 access
- Multiple people in separate locations can simultaneously review full-resolution PDFs – not just downloaded versions
- Identifies possible proofing errors upon job submission
- Reduces turnaround time and costs
- Fully check colors, color separations and trapping with zoom down to the pixel level
- Share changes and comments with both annotations and chat
- See changes as we complete them on our end in real time
In short, KODAK INSITE gives you full control (and confidence) over your jobs – streamlining the process of remote job submissions, minimizing errors, unexpected costs and delays. All in all it’s an amazing advantage for you. But what we can offer you doesn’t stop with just the system.
Work with Us from Anywhere in the World
For a long time, most customers have believed that being proximate to their commercial printer is important. And for good reason – the best way to do prepress and press checks was to go to your printer or have them come to you. Well, as you know, times change and we’re now working successfully to make that rule obsolete – in large part by offering you access to some of the world’s best technologies. The KODAK INSITE is part of this. But we also have a carefully curated suite of the world’s best print production and finishing technologies. This along with our overall dedication to customer satisfaction allows us to offer our customers the highest level of craftsmanship and quality you’ll find in this industry. So good, in fact, that we can confidently guarantee that if your jobs are aren’t exactly as approved, we’ll make them right every time – on us.
What This Means to You
If you don’t want to come to Qualprint you never have to – although you are always welcome. And now dozens of customers all around the country have taken us up on this. They range from Napa and Vancouver to Quebec and Miami and include many high-end marketers like Maserati, Quintessa Winery and the Smithsonian. All demand perfection and many confidently rely on Qualprint and our KODAK INSITE technology to save them time and travel money and to speed their jobs to market faster. And you can too. Interested in learning if KODAK INSITE makes sense for your print work? Just let us know.
Contact us now
For more information and if you need assistance with printing and print marketing
Phone: (413) 442-4166
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